Volume 10, Issue 3 (11-2023)                   Human Information Interaction 2023, 10(3): 27-41 | Back to browse issues page

XML Persian Abstract Print

Kerman University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (1992 Views)
Introduction: Information behavior is a term used to describe the ways of human interaction with information, especially information search methods, which is intended to understand the relationship between humans and information.  Information behavior refers to the complex patterns of human behavior and mutual interactions when searching for any type of information, which leads to information seeking Information seeking, as an information behavior, is a set of activities that are used to meet information needs, information search, information search method and factors affecting information search, and includes two important aspects, information search and information retrieval, which In it, recognition, evaluation and understanding of users' behavior with information needs and their performance in facing information sources, the method of retrieving and accessing information are taken into consideration. Information seeking is a growing behavior that has enabled individuals and organizations to change their information seeking behaviors to meet their needs and users. Searching for information has been studied for years and various definitions and models have been presented for them, which today, with the increase in the number of sources, the number of information systems, the prevalence of social networks, collaborative research and the increase in digital literacy, increase cooperation. International scientific events, multi-specialization of research, increase of work teams, etc. have led to a change in information behavior. Since the type of information behavior has seen many changes as a result of the interactions of existing information carriers and the effects of technology, and is of great importance in today's world, and so far no research has been conducted in the form of a review of information search behaviors, in The world level has not been done, so it is necessary to have a comprehensive research of information search behaviors, all existing studies should be included in one study in order to get a general impression of information search behaviors and their direction. Based on this, the researchers of this research decided to review the studies related to information seeking behaviors, to determine their direction.
Methodology: In order to examine the topic of the research, a narrative review method has been used. Narrative review is one of the important scientific functions that is used to review detailed and comprehensive topics. In fact, a narrative review creates a bridge between a wide and scattered set of articles on a topic or a reader who does not have enough time and resources to follow them. Since in this research, giving meaning to scattered and read sources does not require the study of individual sources, therefore, narrative review is an appropriate method. In this narrative review study, in order to collect data, keywords related to information search behavior in English such as Information seeking behavior, collaborative information seeking, CIS, collaborative information retrieval, CIR, collaborative search, collaborative information behavior, CIB, individual information behavior and IIB and search for Persian articles using keywords, collaborative information search, CIS, collaborative information retrieval, CIR, collaborative search, collaborative sense, collaborative information behavior, CIB, individual information search, and IIB; In the reliable scientific databases and search engines, Web of Science, Pubmed, google scholar, Google SID, Magiran were examined in the period from 1980 to 2023, which 115 studies were obtained in the initial search and after entering the entry criteria and Exclusion, studies that were generally in the field of information seeking behavior were excluded from the study circle and 12 related studies entered the final stage. Then related studies were summarized in terms of concept and findings and categorized and interpreted in the form of individual and collaborative search behavior.
Findings: After searching and selecting related articles, finally analysis was done on twelve articles. What was extracted from the results of this narrative review study, in the general field of information search behavior, in the 4 main axes of individual search behavior, cooperative search behavior, advantages and disadvantages of individual and cooperative search behavior, and the comparison of these two types of information search behavior are described below. This narrative review study was carried out in order to investigate the direction of information behaviors, the findings of this research generally showed that the studies investigated individual and cooperative information behavior and the difference between these two behaviors and the reasons for the direction of individual search behavior. According to the results of studies, one of the types of information search behavior is individual search behavior. As the findings of the research showed, information behaviors have been studied for years and various definitions and models have been presented for them, but in the early stages, in most of these studies, the emphasis was on individual needs and behaviors.  It has also been investigated in some studies. Kolthau, by studying the search behavior of high school students, presented a model for individual search behavior.  Ellis also presented a model for individual information seeking behavior, which is the result of studying the information seeking behavior of engineers and researchers of an industrial company, which examined the search behavior from an individual point of view. presented, which paid attention to the individual nature of information search.  After studying the researches conducted on the information behaviors of engineers, doctors and lawyers, Laki and his colleagues have presented a model for individual information behavior. Another area investigated in the present study was the investigation of collaborative information behavior. The findings of the research showed that in recent years, many researches have been proposed and investigated in the field of collaborative behavior, and they have investigated the motivating factors and obstacles in the collaborative search behavior. In his last work, Shah has introduced participatory search behavior as an interdisciplinary field that is based on participation, human-computer interaction, networks and social media. In another research, the collaborative search behavior in an exploratory search team has been investigated. In this research, three main factors in the collaborative search behavior were identified, which are: repeated communication between team members, division of work and awareness. Karanakaran, with the cooperation of Reddy, has studied the factors inhibiting cooperative behaviors in organizations by using the findings of previous researches. Another area investigated in this research is the difference between individual and collaborative search behavior. The findings of this research showed that both types of search behavior have obstacles and inhibiting factors. The research findings of Karanakaran and Redi have identified the factors of complexity of information needs, lack of sufficient expertise, dispersion of information sources and lack of access to information sources as the advantages of cooperative information behavior. Some studies have also identified the barriers to cooperative information behavior and the lack of spirit of participation, responsibility, and envy of the progress of others is a serious obstacle to any cooperative activity. Another area investigated by the research is the comparison of these two types of information search behavior. The findings of this research showed that the strengths and motivating factors of collaborative search behavior along with the weaknesses of individual search behavior and other stimuli are among the most important differences of this research. There are two types of information search behavior, which has provided the context for the orientation from individual to collaborative search behavior. Reddy and Jansen observed that two main concepts: (a) collaboration (two or more people working together to search for information) and (b) solving an information need as a group; Also, the important role of communication as the first motivating factors has been one of the most important reasons for the direction towards collaborative search. In another study, Kurankaran and colleagues considered the stimuli and technology of information and communication recovery as one of the main motivating factors in directing towards cooperative behavior. Early search behaviors, most of the research activities focused on individual search, but as a number of researchers have stated, the importance of collaboration in organizations is increasing and collaborative information behavior is increasing, and attention is shifting from focusing on individual search to more research. Focused collaborative search. Although there are different views and different vocabulary in the relationship between individual and collaborative search behavior and clear demarcation between these two types of search behavior is still in the early stages and despite some barriers to collaborative search and some strengths of individual search, but stimuli such as The complex nature of information, dispersion of information, lack of specialization, the role of information retrieval technologies, the importance of collaborative aspects of work, time constraints, targeted information search, meaning understanding, information search troubleshooting, workload sharing, sending diverse questions, communication and interaction. , the complexity of information problems, the interdisciplinary nature of information, understanding the behavior of collaborative information in organizations, in turn, are the starting point and the factor of moving from individual search to collaborative search. The researchers believe that, despite the identification of the direction of information behaviors, there are still gaps, and to know how this process is, one should learn about the existing approaches in the field of information systems design and identify the type of information behaviors based on this.Also, there is an urgent need to understand the conceptual characteristics of cooperative search behavior and its supporting technical methods in cooperative activities, because the main characteristics of cooperative information behavior and the activities that lead to cooperative information behavior are still completely unclear.
Conclusion: Early search behaviors, most of the research activities focused on individual search, but as a number of researchers have stated, the importance of collaboration in organizations is increasing and collaborative information behavior is increasing, and attention is shifting from focusing on individual search to more research. Focused collaborative search. However, there are different views and different terminology on the relationship between individual and collaborative search behavior, and a clear demarcation between these two types of search behavior is still in the early stages. The research findings indicated that despite the barriers and benefits of individual and collaborative information seeking behavior, factors such as the complex nature of information, scattered information, lack of expertise, the role of information retrieval technologies, the importance of collaborative aspects of work, time constraints, targeted information seeking, understanding meaning, motivation for collaboration, workload sharing, diversity of requests, communication and interaction, complexity of information problems, interdisciplinary nature of information, and understanding of collaborative information behavior in organizations are motivating factors leading to a shift from individual to collaborative information seeking behavior. Also, there is an urgent need to understand the conceptual characteristics of cooperative search behavior and its supporting technical methods in cooperative activities, because the main characteristics of cooperative information behavior and the activities that lead to cooperative information behavior are still completely unclear.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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