Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2018)                   Human Information Interaction 2018, 5(1): 1-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Behimehr S, Mansourian Y. The Role of Cognitive Biases in scientific information behavior of postgraduate students in Kharazmi University. Human Information Interaction 2018; 5 (1)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2763-en.html
kharazmi university
Abstract:   (7005 Views)
Background and Aim: considering the significance of cognitive and psychological factors in human-information interaction, this study investigates the role of cognitive biases in academic information behavior of postgraduate students at Kharazmi University.
Methodology:  this qualitative research used classic grounded theory as the method. The research population included all postgraduate of Kharazmi University who were at the writing up stage. Twenty-five students were chosen through a purposive convenient sampling process. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and were analyzed based on the classic grounded theory coding and qualitative content analysis. Eisenberg & Berkowitz information behavior model was used as the framework.
Findings: The results showed that cognitive biases influence people's information behavior and 28 of cognitive biases were identified. Cognitive biases interfere on different six steps of Eisenberg & Berkowitz information behavior model. Biases can play a role in identifying and explaining information needs, selecting information resources, selecting information centers, using information, organizing and sharing information and evaluating the information seeking process.
Conclusions: cognitive biases can affect or be affected by other factors involved in information behavior. Failure in information access and information retrieval, information avoidance and also failure in resolving information needs are some of cognitive biases’ consequences. Cognitive biases should be studied in different contexts so that other aspects can be more thoroughly understood.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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